Always out in front :)
Standing at attention from a strange sound.
Now this is just random but I have to share. The below picture is the trophy left from a Loggerhead Shrike. Shrikes are the cutest little birds, but what they do to their prey is downright wrong! My sister-in-law posted a picture on FB about a month ago. Her kids had found a small snake impaled on a tree branch. Apparently, it was the placed there by a Loggerhead Shrike. I knew if she had them we were sure to see one on our property, since they live about 15 minutes from us. These adorable birds impale their prey on fences, trees, etc. Then bring female birds to view the said trophy. If she likes what she sees then we get baby shrikes. Oh brother!!!! Needless to say, we now have two Shrikes that fly around together.
You can see where the barb is coming right through the middle of the bug - YUCK! The kids and I actually witnessed a shrike push a spider onto a barb. It was rather violent. We just stood and watched from a good distance. Once it left we rushed out to see and sure enough...
Dixie sticks with me until she gets too hot. Then she paces the porch until my walk is finished; never letting me out of her sight. :)
Our oldest definitely pitched in with the fence line clearing. He sprayed weeds with the backpack sprayer. Let me just say, this thing is HEAVY! It is 32 pounds of liquid weed killer and then the weight of the pack. I was super proud of him for working so hard and not falling over backwards! :)
Our tractor arrives on Thursday!!! We are all super excited! :) I guess that means we will be clearing and mowing the back 2/3's.